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Monday message 03.23.2020

Please join us for our Virtual Ed Talk with the Director on Monday, March 23, at 4:00 p.m.
Talking points:
  • CDE Advisories 
  • Distance Learning
  • Special Education 
  • Meal Program
Join our Zoom Meeting by clicking here
  • Meeting ID: 140 114 988
  • Password: 406039
  • One tap mobile ,,140114988#
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  • US Toll Meeting ID: 140 114 988
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Upcoming Events

calendar post-it notes

Fri., 8/9: Middle School Orientation, 4-6 PM

Mon., 8/12: Meet the Facilitator Night, 5-7 PM

Tues., 8/13: First Day of 2024-25 School Year

Mon., 9/2: Labor Day

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

iLEAD Lancaster Learning Resources

Learning Resources for All Grade Levels

We hope you’re finding a rhythm with your remote learning! Below we’ve provided info about PowerSchool, our ongoing virtual school. Are you also looking for some fun, enriching activities and… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster Remote Learning Schedule

Organizing Your Remote Learning Schedule

By now, you may have found and organized a space that works well for your child to learn remotely. Now what? Let’s talk about organizing your learner’s day! We’ve provided… Read more

Online Learning Success

5 Ways to Set Up for Online Learning Success!

Originally published by iLEAD Online Learning online has many benefits. Flexibility in where and when you learn and the ability to design your own learning space are two of them.… Read more

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